
Our top of the range high precision, vibrating microtome (‘vibrotome’ for short, but often referred to as a ‘vibratome’), this is the finest tissue slicer in the world for preparations for visual patch clamping or high resolution imaging. The 7000smz series Vibrating microtome has been the instrument of choice for many labs for 10 years – over 450 labs and counting! Using our microtomes, research detailing tissue slicing for visual patching of neurological tissue, heart, lung, and tissue scaffolds have all been published. The 7000smz-2 microtome represents significant advances with higher precision at a lower cost.

  • Z-axis blade adjust minimizer
  • Blade holder angle to user requirement
  • Set start and stop position from blade travel.
  • Vibration speeds from 50 to 120 Hz
  • Amplitudes from 0.5mm to 2.5mm
  • Includes a z-axis calibration unit